Nautodefensas de michoacan pdf

The fake auto defenzas trying to get rid of the real protectors of their community. Violencia y autodefensas comunitarias en michoacan, mexico. The principal founder of the community selfdefense forces in michoacan and guerrero was jose manuel mireles valverde who was a doctor from michoacan. Two years of the autodefensas movement in michoacan, mexico. Mar 24, 2015 two years ago, citizens of the mexican state of michoacan, rose up in armed resistance against the knights templar cartel.

Victoria malkin, narcotrfico, migracin y modernidad, en jos e. Jan 12, 2015 the fake auto defenzas trying to get rid of the real protectors of their community. Mireles emerged as an important figure within the selfdefense militias during the fall of 20 as selfdefense groups were. They want more sicarios, more extortion, more land to growmake synthetic drugs, complete control of the people, control of the avocados and lemons michoacan is the place where more avocados are exported, mainly for the u. Sick of the violence, the abuses and the indifference and complicity with which the authorities were treating the narcotraffickers, the citizens decided to solve the problems that none of the three levels of government. The auto defenses and community police that were evident in my travels on michoacan coastline 2 weeks ago are from the community and have respect of their neighbors. Movimiento social, paramilitarismo y neocaciquismo. Breve historia contemporanea del ecuador ecuador andes. Apartirdelasnoticiasreportadasporeldiariolajornada,resumimosloshechosmas.